Robert R Ramage, known as Bob, died August 23, 2019, in Colorado Springs at age 88, less than a month after Bob and Martha’s 65th anniversary. A memorial service will be held at Front Range Alliance Church West Campus on Wednesday, August 28, 2019, at 11am. There will be a time of visiting with family and friends after the service. Memorial gifts will go to ministries dear to Bob and Martha’s hearts, including FRAC’s international ministry outreach and sending international kids to Christian camp. For questions, please contact Steve at 719.355.4809 or

Robert “Bob” Richard Ramage died in Colorado Springs at age 88 Friday, August 23, 2019. Bob was born September 24, 1930, in Yonkers, New York, to William Earl Ramage and Julia Vanderwynde Ramage. He grew up in Yonkers with one older brother William (Bill) and started work in New York City with the company now known as ExxonMobil, for whom he worked over 40 years. At age 24 he married Martha Susan Dehler, and settled in Queens, New York, until Esso (Exxon) moved to Houston in 1961. He has three daughters, Nancy Ramage Jones in Friendswood, TX, Laura Ramage Spinella in Colorado Springs, and Barbara Ramage-Thornton in Roanoke, VA, as well as nine grandchildren and four great grandchildren.

Bob loved to read the Bible, many times through. He ran thousands of miles, including many marathons. He loved and served God, deeply loved his wife and family, and cherished his longtime running buddies in Houston. He also loved Exxon, where he worked his whole career, rising through many positions through faithfulness, good performance, and professional development. After he retired, he traveled with Martha, planted trees and tended bees, volunteered, and exercised at the Y. While generally quiet, his sense of humor was delightful and often self-deprecating.

In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts will go to ministries dear to Bob and Martha’s hearts, including FRAC’s international ministry outreach and sending international kids to Christian camp.