Angelelynnette was born April 19, 1950 in Williamston North Carolina to Lynwood Rodgers and Louise Washington. She is survived by sons, Michael and Joseph Rankins. She has one son deceased named Anthony Tyrone Roberts altogether there are 10 grandkids and five great grandchildren. She was married twice once to Larry Roberts parentheses (Anthony’s father) and her second was Tyrone Samuel Rankins Sr. she was a devoted mother, a great homemaker, as well as a God-fearing woman. She loves to read, especially the latest news, she wasn’t ever scared to speak her mind on any topic she is was a strong, independent black woman that was playful and a joy to be around. She is thoughtful and encouraging and will give her time to help others and their time of needs. We love you forever and always. 

Land April 19th 1950

Universe January 27th 2024

” Be Still Let GOD Fight Your Battles”

Psalms V23

st John V14 1-3

1st Thessalonians V4 13-18


No, nor could express the way I feel for you. You are the first woman I loved unconditionally. You were my soft spot in a hard place I talk to you about everything and now I have nobody to turn to the times we spent together timeless as you got all of the sweeter you became, and I loved watching every bit of this joyous elevation You have left in the physical however, my mind is permanently embedded with loving memories of you, MommašŸ’„ I will always think of you and all that I do. I love you MommašŸ’„ until we meet again. I’ll never stop loving you. You’re youngest son Joseph 44.